
“my dearest edwina, i have come into possession of four large whelks”

Iwashi misoni

Made by SSK

breakfast: SSK iwashi misoni [sardines in miso], koshihikari rice, broccoli, and some quick-pickled cabbage

acrylic chopsticks rest on the edge of a white bowl; greens are off to the right on a white plate. the bowl holds a small pile of rice and several chunks of round-cut, silvery mackerel in a dark brown sauce

love this can format, though i always have to reduce the sauce. probably took it too far today

good flavor, not a huge fan of the "round cut" fish, though it means i get plenty of calcium

24g protein/11g fat/14g carbs in 250kcal, according to Mitsuwa's english label

my fingers grasping the open beige can with brown writing saying 'iwashi' in hiragana, meaning sardines

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