
“my dearest edwina, i have come into possession of four large whelks”

PEI Mussels in a smoked paprika and fennel tomato sauce

Made by Scout Canning

the small mussels in this tiny tin are perfectly fine, but the delicious sauce is the star of the show. it's gently spicy and richly flavored---the fennel plays backup to the smokey, brothy tomato sauce

saltines were a strategic error, given the sauce-with-mussels vibe here---next time, i'll gently warm the tin and pour it over buttered toast... or sizzle the liquid in some olive oil a pan, adding some cooked ditalini or linguine and the mussels at the end

valeur nutritive: 10g protein, 2.5g fat, 7g carb (with an elusive 1g fiber), all in a mere 90kcal

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