
“my dearest edwina, i have come into possession of four large whelks”

Cantabrian Anchovy Fillets in olive oil

Made by Delicius

11 enormous fillets in plain clear oil, packed tightly in a flat little discus (deliscus?). meaty, savory, no off flavors. excellent.

form factor is absolutely delightful, should keep a stack of these in the ol' tidepool

used these to make bucatini in salsa---an anchovy/onion/parmesan/butter sauce from the Veneto.

recipe from McDade's The Magic of Tinned Fish was pretty good---probably too much butter

these anchovies might even be a bit large for that recipe, came out salty

nutrition facts: 5g protein, 2g fat, 0g carbs in 35kcal (and 770mg sodium... zoiks!)

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