
“my dearest edwina, i have come into possession of four large whelks”

Gefilte fish

Made by A & B

Gefilte fish is much maligned. I grew up eating the weird jarred version in jelly, and I like it---but it's really only for experts. True gefilte fish is much more accessible and straightforward: think quenelles. A light, sweet, bready fish loaf---mousseline de poisson blanc au torchon; European fishcake; naruto straight out of the shtetl and the ghetto.

It's really more of a spring dish, so a chilly October day makes for strange eating. A & B's is not a bad version, if a little bit bland. Its blandness is typically complemented with the intense bite of horseradish---here, I use a beet-sweetened version to temper the piquancy. Classic.

Making gefilte fish from a frozen loaf like this is easy. Bring it to a boil with onions, carrots, salt, and sugar.

Simmer for an hour and a half; loosen the paper to avoid sticking, chill, slice and serve.

In one 2oz (57g) slice, you'll find 6g protein, 6g fat, and 6g carbs in 100kcal. Hardly a macronutritional powerhouse, but you could do worse.

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